Saturday, January 9, 2010

it's booking time

happy new year to all!

just a note to let you know that things are not looking good for any miraculous price drops on airfares to liberia between now and march. we've been keeping a close eye on the fares, and things have been creeping upward over the past weeks, rather than the other way around. we encourage you all to buy your tickets sooner than later, so you can hopefully get a somewhat reasonable fare. we've been using to track prices.

the important dates, so you have them for your planning, are listed below. all venues are in palm beach estates, and are within easy walking distance of one another.

sunday, march 21st (afternoon/evening)
welcome open house at casa muy grande for those coming to playa grande for the week

wednesday, march 24th (evening)
bash for brian boz's (brendan's brother) 30th birthday

friday, march 26th (late afternoon/evening)
ceremony (on the beach) and reception (hotel bula bula)

saturday, march 27th (morning/afternoon)
recovery and some sort of casual brunch for those who can make it

also, a reminder on accommodations: if you are interested in staying at a hotel (rather than renting a house) we think there is still availability at hotel bula bula and hotel cantarana. both are within easy walking distance of all of the events outlined above.

let us know if you have any questions as you make your plans. we're looking forward to celebrating with you soon!

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